Volunteer Opportunities
If You Have a Heart to Serve in the Context of A Christian Camp and Retreat Center - Let's Talk!
The traditions of His Thousand Hills Christian Camp & Retreat Center are brought to life by the dedication and enthusiasm of our new and returning volunteers and staff. Being a part of the His Thousand Hills team is a rewarding responsibility. It is also an opportunity to have one of the most fruitful experiences of your life. Make a positive difference for yourself and the people you care about! Apply today.

As a non-profit camp, donations are always a blessing and a necessity to keep things moving forward....but equally important are the human vessels to do the nitty gritty jobs that are essential to the camp continuing to grow and function. There are MANY ways that you can join in and help the ministry here to grow, even if you are unable to support us financially. Our list of needs for volunteers is always changing, but here are just a few of the ways we can use YOUR skills and talents (most jobs have very flexible timeframes and schedules - we will work with your availability):
Property & Building Maintenance
Trimming/Maintenance of Walking Trails
Firewood Cutting/Splitting
Landscaping & Mowing
Office Clerical Work
Bulk Mailings
Camp Counselors
Kitchen Staff
Childcare for HTH Staff
Social Media and Website Assistance
Graphic Design Assistance
Prayer Team